Lower Back Pain
If You Have Lower Back Pain, Try These Steps First

If You Have Lower Back Pain, Try These Steps First

Lower back pain is an incredibly debilitating condition that can impact every aspect of daily living. Finding ways to treat recurring lower back pain is often a top priority for those in pain – and we have some suggestions!

Step 1: Figure Out What Type of Back Pain You Have

There are different types of lower back pain, and they require different treatment! A key difference between types of back pain is the duration of time that someone has been suffering from symptoms.

If you have been suffering from lower back pain for a week, this is considered acute lower back pain. This type of lower back pain is often due to a strain injury or poor spinal positioning and is much more likely to resolve itself over time.

On the other hand, back pain for several weeks or longer is defined as chronic lower back pain. Treatment for chronic lower back pain becomes more complicated, as weeks, months, or even years of inflamed tissue and muscle are involved in the healing process.

Identifying which type of lower back pain you have will significantly help direct your treatment options.

Step 2: Medications Are Not the Answer

The temptation to cover-up lower back pain with pain medications is ever-present for those who are suffering – especially when pain medications help make daily tasks easier. But medications such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or even narcotics do not cure lower back pain – they put a band-aid on a bigger problem. It is recommended, whenever possible, to reduce to stop using pain medication entirely in the treatment of lower back pain.

So, if pain medications aren’t the best option, what options are there to help get my back pain revolved?

Step 3: Explore Alternative Options for Chronic and Acute Back Pain Treatment

There are many acute lower back pain treatment options – and some can even be done from home!

First-line treatment options that can safely be done at home include:

  1. Superficial heat therapy – applying heat to the lower back for a prolonged period of time can help loosen tight muscles to provide relief from lower back pain
  2. Massage – massaging the lower back muscles both superficially and deeply when possible can help release muscle knots and can reduce chronic inflammation
  3. Stretching – increasing your flexibility in your lower back can help provide relief for muscle-related lower back pain

It is important to note that if these at home treatments do not give you relief, please seek medical attention from a professional. If you are experiencing moderate to severe pain that feels like it is related to your spinal joints or nerves, visiting a chiropractor is an essential step to receive proper assessment and treatment.

Step 4: Visit A Chiropractor

One of the best options for acute back pain treatment is regular chiropractic adjustments. When done correctly by a certified chiropractor, spinal adjustments restore proper joint function by releasing restricted joints that were causing pain and inflammation.

Spinal assessment and manipulation by a chiropractor have been an effective and safe treatment option for many people suffering from acute and chronic back pain.

If you or someone you love is ready to walk away from lower back pain from good, consider seeing a chiropractor!

Also Read : Discogenic Low Back Pain

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