Back Pain
Should I See a Chiropractor for my Lower Back Pain?

Should I See a Chiropractor for my Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain has unfortunately become incredibly common. Prolonged time sitting in front of a computer, poor ergonomics, and traumatic injuries are all sources for developing chronic lower back pain.

If you feel like you’ve tried everything with no success to manage your lower back pain, it’s time to explore chiropractic services for lower back pain!

Lower Back Pain 101

It is estimated that over 20% of American adults experience chronic pain on a daily basis. This debilitating condition has more than physical impacts on a person – chronic lower back pain leads to increased mental health conditions and emotional distress.

Lower back pain comes in many different forms, all of which are unpleasant. Sources of lower back pain include:

  • Traumatic injuries and sprains
  • Degenerative conditions of the spine
  • Chronic inflammation from arthritis or autoimmune conditions
  • Sciatica and nerve-related pain
  • Scoliosis and other skeletal-related conditions
  • Poor posture, prolonged sitting, and poor ergonomics

Traditional treatment options for lower back pain include pain medications, steroid injections, and invasive surgical procedures. But what about using chiropractors for back pain? Are chiropractic services an available option for treating chronic lower back pain?

Chiropractors for Back Pain

What does a chiropractor do for lower back pain, anyway?

Chiropractic serves are a fantastic option for treating many conditions! By providing non-invasive treatment options based on scientific evidence, a back pain chiropractor can address the source of your chronic pain. Chiropractic care isn’t just about managing your pain symptoms – your chiropractor will identify and treat the real cause of the problem!

Your first appointment with a chiropractor will involve an in-depth assessment of your health history and chronic pain symptoms. The doctor will ask questions about your lifestyle, specifics about your pain, and previous treatment options you have tried to gain more information about your back pain. They may also take x-rays if needed for more detailed information about the structure of your spine.

Using this information, the chiropractor will create a personalized treatment plan that targets the source of your lower back pain. Multiple appointments will likely be required to complete your treatment plan.

For treatment options, spinal manipulation and mobilization are commonly used to treat lower back pain.

Spinal manipulation, or chiropractic back adjustments, are the high velocity movements most people associate with chiropractors. There is extensive scientific literature explaining the benefits of applying short, quick, strong force to abnormal vertebrae in the spine to restore proper joint motion and function, and reduce lower back pain. These procedures should only ever be performed by a licensed chiropractor, as improper manipulations can cause significant injuries. The goal of chiropractic back adjustments is to realign the spinal column, restore range of motion, release trapped or impinged nerves, and reduce chronic inflammation.

Spinal mobilization is the less aggressive but equally important treatment for lower back pain. Instead of quick movements, mobilization activities often include slower held motions such as dynamic and static stretching. Mobilization targets muscles and joints affected by lower back pain rather than the skeletal structures of the spine. Spinal mobilization helps to bring range of motion and flexibility back to the lower back.

Other used techniques for managing lower back pain include:

  • Strengthening exercises to provide more muscular support to the lower back
  • Kinesiotaping areas to stabilize muscles and joints during exercises without inhibiting range of motion
  • Spinal decompression and traction to stretch the spine and release tension
  • Interferential tens therapy to stimulate healing and decrease swelling through electrotherapy

With all of these options available, your chiropractor will provide thorough, personalized care that targets the cause of your pain instead of covering up your symptoms!

Should I See a Chiropractor for My Lower Back Pain?

Yes, the answer is yes!

Chiropractic services are a fantastic option for treating lower back pain. A backpain chiropractor will take the time to assess your health history, correctly determine the source of your chronic pain, and will create a personalized treatment plan to reduce your symptoms once and for all.

For more information about lower back pain treatment options or to schedule an appointment, please visit Kansas City Chiropractor Dr. Frank Siraguso DC website .

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